Sunday 26 July 2009

Jumping head on, jumping head off

A Thursday evening outing – Rich and I met at the Plough in Coldharbour, and headed off to Rich's jump bowl, to practice!! A few practice jumps to get my head into the right place, and then off to another area which had, what looked at first site to be a significant jump – over a “gully”. However, some kind person and put a door over the gap so we could practice without fear of coming a cropper!! We practice lots – and got some video, unfortunately the video camera battery ran out just at the best bit. We spent a good 30 mins there and I managed to get my jumping head on!

We then headed off to Leith – bumping into 3 guys who were on a jaunt... and lost! We pointed them in the direction of Westcott. On up to rollercoaster, past deliverance, with the usual cursory glance down, and on up to the tower. After a number of feet down episodes on the way up in the last few weeks, this time I nailed it! Rich didn't... he did cycle all they way though, which he was quick to point out!!! We stopped at the top to sort a squeak of Rich's which had been going for the past 15mins!!!! Yep – his new bike has a squeak!

Squeak temporarily sorted, we headed off to Windy Willows, during which my jump head came off!!! I bottled it on a number of usually fine jumps – what happened? The trails were nice and dry and ran smoothly. We finished Windy Willows and headed back up to the tower, where Rich's squeak came back!! With a vengeance!! Off past the cricket pitch and onto Deliverance, which Rich road straight down... none of our usual stopping at the top. I would have, but my seat post was too high, so it was a brief stop for me.... but I did it as quickly as I could!! Off down to Coldharbour and into the Plough for our customary pint of Crooked Furrow, before heading home.

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