We set off to ascend Regurgitator, quickly becoming soaked in sweat, with the closeness of the evening and shade of the trees! Nice! We headed towards Summer Lightning, and completed the whole length at some speed. The only challenge was the few sandy patches which made the front wheels slip a little every now and then! Heading off and passing the infamous “Mark unable to fix a puncture” spot, we arrived above Home Farm, for the short fast and challenging descent to Whiteberry Road. I took quite a good line – but became a bit wayward close to the end... I didn't realise Rich was in my shadow!! Good job I was better than I thought!!!
We trekked up Whiteberry Road to find the bottom of Donny Darko. Heading up we found my favourite jump, which Rich and I tackled, twice – the second time in a little competition to see who could get the furthest. We decided it might be safer to leave the video checking of our escapades until we arrived in the pub later – otherwise we could've been there a long time!!
We headed off and completed Windy Willow before heading on towards the Quarry – having lots of fun on the way. I suppose I'd better fess up and say I took a tumble en route... front wheel slid from under me, on a particularly viscous piece of dried bracken! But don't worry – I'm ok!! Down to the Quarry and a quick run of Wonder Woman – which, for the second time of asking, Mark and I missed the line, and ended up having to stop to re-position ourselves for the drop into the trees! D'Oh!!!
We started up for the tower, taking a couple of diversions en route for a little play. Back to the top, we quickly descended Personal Hygiene and hacked up towards the Coldharbour cricket pitch - time was pressing on, 2100 hours was approaching, the pub was calling.... We made our way through the undergrowth to arrive at Deliverance. Confident in our abilities from a successful ride, we stopped, dropped our saddles, and went down Deliverance at speed, one after the other, no thinking.... Mark still used his brakes... but not as much!!!
Quick drop down and back to the cars and to the pub, for a pint of the locally brewed “Crooked Furrow”.

We committed at the pub, given our success at deliverance, the next time we arrived at the top, with a group waiting and looking, we would stop, drop our seats and just ride down – no waiting about. Probably childish, but hey.......
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