Monday 19 April 2010

Words of technique wisdom

Like a Buddhist monk RK has said some things that have stuck in my mind and continue to whisper in my ear as I send myself into battle. I thought I should remind you all of his words of wisdom:

Drive the bike not ride the bike;

Under rotation prevails over over-rotation;

Good energy management, good body position, footwork and looking;

We dont yank on the bars we push energy through the bike;

Lay of the breaks, carry more speed and generate a smoother ride;

Concentrate on the trail ahead and not what is’nt the trail;

Keeping your head up slows things down;

It does’nt matter how fast you enter a corner but how fast you leave it;

Its next, next, next, always looking ahead of the bike at what is coming next, i dont want to get caught up in the now but what is going to happen in the future;

And finally kids remember:

You cant change what is happening only what is going to happen!

See you out on the trails. XC Tom

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