Monday, 5 April 2010

The second 18miler!

So... just thought I'd keep you all updated on my marathon training progress! The second of my 18 mile training runs loomed on Saturday morning, and based on how I felt the previous weekend, at the completion of the last 18 mile run, it was with an element of trepidation that I set off!! The weather forecast of heavy showers, and the torrential downpour which had happened only minutes before my departure did nothing to boost my confidence. Nevertheless training is a necessary evil, so with a break in the rain I set off at 0910 steeling myself for the miles ahead!

The weather was kind, the road was kind, and although it took my legs a good 6 miles to get comfy, the pace felt good. For the first time in my training career I had to stop twice en route for a pee, once at 3 miles and once at 10 miles!! Still - a sure sign I was hydrated enough!

I won't bore you with the full details of the run, suffice to say that running that kind of distance can be quite boring!!

I completed the 18.6 miles in 2hrs 47mins - doing 1/2 mile longer than last week and doing it 10mins quicker! The bonus being I didn't feel sick, and although my legs were full of lactic acid, I could've kept going. Now at that pace I'm on for a sub 4hr marathon time (just), and if I achieve sub 4hrs at London I will be more than made up... I'm now well and truely fired up for this, despite my wife dousing the flames by saying "you've still got a few weeks to go, don't build your hopes up!!". Pin, ballon, burst all sprang to mind!!

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