Monday 28 February 2011

I Gotta A Itch (and it’s not an STD.... this time)

OK, so I’ve been a bit out of the loop lately. You see about the beginning of February some scum bucket unbolted the wall anchor in my lean-to and stole it... despite the fact my bike was attached to it didn’t seem to hinder him and the wall anchor has never been seen since. Darn.

So this somewhat accelerated my plans to replace my bike, which I was planning to do in the near future anyway (5 – 10 years?).

Three weeks later I got myself a (used) Trek Scratch 2010... no idea what it was but it looked f**king cool.

Three weeks later and 1 day I have been bullied and threatened in to going out in the rain to take and post some pictures... enjoy.

Attack Mode

XC Mode

Some HOPE and KS dropper post is what I need to ride this thing up hill hehehe (Tom, the blue clamp is for sale if you want it... £100)

Ready to Ride (once it stops raining)

Apparently I'm not allowed to keep it in the bedroom, toys, no matter how sweet, big and knarly stay in the toy room with all the other kids toys... booo


1 comment:

  1. Dude
    that looks like a sick ride, slacker than a sixth former on a free period...No excuses for not hitting some sick hucks now ;-)
