Saturday 19 February 2011

Diggin' the Dirt

After the three negative posts from last weekend some better news...
I've just returned from a site meeting with the council at Dorking West about improving the existing dirt jumps and 4X track there. A couple of the guys from Head for Hills and a couple of Dirt Jumpers turned up and we spent a really productive hour with a council contractor defining how to improve the 4X track.
Our basic aim was to improve flow and widen everything so it can be run as a dual track. As I understand it the council have budget to bring in a shed load of carboniferous limestone and we scoped how and where it should be used - basically the track will be widened, berms made bigger, some jumps which don't work will be removed and others re-shaped. Apparently it's going to happen quite soon. There will be a need for some volunteers to help with the detail (i.e. spade!) work so I'll keep you all in the loop but I have high hopes that it will become a really good facility.

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