A top team from OTH met at the Brockham Beer Festival on Sat 23 October.... Andy, Mark 2, Dave Edwards 1, Dunnie and Andy Blue Bear.
Andy Blue Bear missed his mate Bish... we tried to console him with solid reasons for Bish's absence, but he wouldn't believe us. According to Andy Blue Bear, no-one who sent out such e-mails as....
Some of you will no doubt have experienced the unique delights of the Brockham Beer Festival.
Mark 2 and I are assembling a crack squad of drinkers to attend this years festivities on 23rd October - let me know if you can attend
...and (in relation to Andy's previous visit to Brockham BF)...
To be fair he did find the beer a little "strong" last year and got a bit "tired and emotional" so perhaps the fear is understandable.....
...would possibly be absent on such a flimsy excuse as' I've invited some mates round for canapes'... However hard we tried, we could not turn around the belief of the little chap that his hero had turned into a shandy drinking poof... By the end of the night, Andy Blue Bear was inconsolable, taking his solace in strong ale.....

To be fair I did say that we would be bringing a "crack squad of drinkers", however given the attendees I feel I should apologise for the inaccuracy