Friday 19 March 2010

Back to Basics

Date: March 18th
Riders: XCTom; Mark2; Rich
Location: Leith Hill

Call me old fashioned but this post isn't about trumpet-based film titles, planning the 2010 Wales trip or even a jog-blog. No it's a return to basics (or as I like to call it "riding bikes").

The trails are in really good nick at the moment (Mark2 has been riding a lot), temperatures are slowly rising and until yesterday the rain had held off for a good couple of weeks. Consequently we set out on a night ride from Coldharbour with a view to hitting Windy Willows, one of those trails which is off limits once a wet winter sets in.

We took on Summer Lightning, including the top jumps on the downhill section and then followed the Ben Tudor (tm) route to the Ghurka Trail. Up the other side we rode the climb into Windy Willows which was in good order. We all hit the main jump in the middle of the trail and Tom even took the awkward log jump at the end, pulling it off with some style.

We took the bridleway climb back to Donnie Darko and then climbed to the Tower, following the by now familiar route back to the Plough via Personal Hygene, No Cycles, The Bombholes and Crooked Furrow.

By now the rain was persistent and had been joined by fog and wind which limited our lumens so we were glad to stop for a pint.

Probably only one more night ride when full illumination will be needed as the clocks go back next weekend - roll on a hot summer full of dusty trails, jump sessions and outdoor beers!

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