Friday, 16 October 2009

The one where we followed Tom's nose

Meeting at Coldharbour, Tom and I arrived at the car park to hear a car further away, blaring out the radio. Was it Mark? Was it someone else? We prepared our wheels.. got dressed.... lights on.... and still we discussed the bloke with the radio!!! Tom took a wander over and yes it was Mark!

We took off towards the bomb holes and Rich's Jump area and had a little play around our favourite kick jump. Once we'd taken our fill we headed off towards Leith. Without Rich's expert navigation skills it took us a little while to find the route – but find it we did! Onwards then and up towards summer lightening. The first section I followed the other two given my lights were the poorest, but frankly Tom was showing his lack of 3 months out.... way too slow!! The second section I took the lead... until 10m when when my light battery fell off... causing us all to pause until I could sort. Off again and we completed the section at speed.

After summer lightening, we headed on up towards the summit. We took a fork and saw a huge group of bikers pass behind us.... followed by a few stragglers, who proceeded to follow us.... thinking we were part of their group. Luckily their fellow riders called them back, and we headed off towards roller coaster and Deliverance.

Quick look at Deliverance and then on to the summit of Leith. None of us made it in the dark in one go – it was a case of feet down. Quick rest at the top and a decision on what to do next. We decided to try and find Windy Willows.... easier said than done without Rich. Off we trotted, and within 5 minutes were lost... It was at this point we started to follow Tom's nose.... the next 20 minutes was an adventure... this route, that route, let's try this way... don't recognise this..... are we going the right way? With all due respect to Tom's nose, we did make it back to the Leith hill tower.

Lights were fading, so we headed back towards the car. Getting off the summit, Tom's light failed completely, and mine was reducing fast.... We set off as quick as we could, pausing to tell yet another groups of stragglers on a big night outing, that we weren't with them, and they shouldn't follow us.....

Back to the car and into the plough for the customary pint of Crooked Furrow, and the rapidly becoming customary pack of scampy fries!!

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