Monday 25 May 2009

Pitch 'n' Toss

Decided to go for a quick blast over to Pitch today - been meaning to for ages with the express purpose of finding some undiscovered trail gems...
I had planned to ride with Dunnie today but following his latest mishap (see the three musketeers) he decided he was to gay/injured to ride.
Following my nose towards the viewpoint and then doubling back I found a really nice piece of singletrack which ends in a rooty descent with a little man-made rock jump to finish. As I was riding solo I gave the jump a miss but it will be one for the cameras when we all go - I'm very confident that Mark will be able injure himself on it.
I then climbed up again and found another excellent trail which ultimately links to one I've ridden before - this had some humps and jumps in the middle so plenty of mischief making opportunity. I was only there for an hour or so but I reckon Pitch has the potential for a full half day at least with what I know. We'll have to start creating our own trail names - I've got a few ideas based on a heavy metal this space
NicolaiWatch 25/05/09: No update (What a Surprise!)


  1. That rooty descent with the man made rock jump - done that - got a few videos on it. Mark, Tom and I did it a few weeks ago, before Tom's spectacular "over the bars" incident!! Check out youtube link :-

  2. and this one...

  3. It's not just my jumping that lacks technical finesse - the vids are posted on the tips page. I won't be riding this weekend or next, as my knee appears to be on strike and is not bending... The Long Haired Commanding Officer has declared this pastime to be (and I quote directly) "Silly".
