Wednesday 20 May 2009

Going "Han Solo"....

So after a trip to Twickenham on saturday and a miserable bout of heavy showers all day on sunday I've been itching to get out on the bike this week. I decided this evening that the rain had held off for long enough for me to brave Coldharbour so I drove straight home from work and was out of the house and on the bike climbing the steep road to Coldharbour by 6.30, having left a note for my wife faithfully promising to be back by 7.45...
First stop was "Heads Roll" and the bombholes over there. I gave it a go on a few of the jumps and then headed into my favourite bombhole (yet to be named but I'm sure we'll come up with something soon). As Mark and Andy know it's a steep roll down to a sweet step up jump with plenty of scope to practice hip jumping and racing flicks (I've tried to attach some video that Mark took of me on it a couple of weeks back). I sessioned it a few times and with one eye on the clock decided to head over to Summer Lightning. I went via the steep downhill I'd showed Mark a couple of weeks ago and almost got some good speed going when my water bottle made an unexpected exit from the ruck sack and overtook me. All speed lost then, oh well there's always next time. Through the soggy valley bottom and up the other side to the start of Summer Lightning. I was surprised to see a fair few riders out although none that I recognised. I rode the first section of S/L which was surprisingly dry and then stole myself for some sessions on the downhill jump section. I gave the top section a few goes and then rode the whole section and up to join the 3rd section of S/L on my way back towards Westcott via Wolverns (giving it some good hammer).
I'm working on a logo for the site, reviving my old degree skills which have lain dormant for some time - well done Andy for pulling this together.
Oh and for those who are interested I've now been waiting 10 weeks for my Nicolai frame to arrive...what's that saying about "All good things....."

1 comment:

  1. Nice one Rich... our first proper report. I'm now feeling frustrated with the lack of arrival of your Nicolai frame. I'm expecting big things from you on it's first outing!!!
