Tuesday 14 February 2012

Leith Hill Summit Team

Some (although notably not all) of the OTH team ventured out in minus 9 degrees on Saturday 12 Feb. 3-4 inches of snow, with a firm crust, made high speed-ascent unlikely, and high-speed descent unwise. Fingers and toes remained 'chilly' for much of the ride, Bish received some admiring comments from a couple of blokes for being 'nails' and exposing lower-leg skin, whilst Mark 2 was busy shedding unnecessary bike weight in the form of his back bolt, resulting in a foreshortened ride and an emergency pick-up from Juliet in the Seat.

A beautiful morning, though.

We hope Andy gets well soon..... Hopefully the bed rest has seen him recover from the quick-onset lurgy which hit him on Saturday morning!

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