Tuesday 4 January 2011

Three hills, four badgers and a train

Date: 03/01/2011
Riders: Grevious Andy, XCTom, Dunnie, Dave, MarkG, Rich, Wilf

Yesterday saw our long planned annual Christmas/New Year ride and lunch. Only seven riders made it in the end (Simon, Richard & Jim - be ashamed!)

Starting out from Milton Heath CP the riding was mainly confined to familiar trails taking in Leith Hill, Holmbury and for the hardcore Pitch Hill too.

Clearly some (Dunnie) had indulged more heavily than others over the festive period and were lugging more than usual up the climbs.

Following a cheese straw stop at Peaslake all eventually made it to the Volunteer via multiple different routes including a broken chain stop for Dave.

Lunch was a hearty affair supplemented by plenty of Badger ale. Dunnie entertained us with stories of near fatal NHS blunders, Dave demonstrated all the features of his eye-wateringly expensive new jacket and Wilf chatted away to an unlikely number of ex-girlfriends.

Finally it was time to go. The Redhill posse rode over to Gomshall to catch the 4.05 home whilst the Dorking-ites took the low road home via the Abinger Roughs after we had prised Wilf away from his "ex-Yoga teacher".

A top day and a great way to kick off 2011's riding.

Cheers All

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