The Dunnie hardtail project is also underway - current purchases:
-Avid Elixir CR (£200 from Merlin, complete set & shifters)
-On One 456 in Chocolate Brown (can't see the mud so much...) - see above
-Fox Float RL 150mm travel front forks (black)
- Refurbed V12 Pedals from my Trek
- Various other bits from the Trek (bars, stem etc)
I have taken a different approach to budget - as far as Mrs Dunnie is concerned all of the strange packages arriving are 'bits for the bike' (note that I haven't said whcih bike...
Estimated completion date - just before Andy's bike!
See you on the hill
I can't believe you paid £200 for that. Sure it's just a few pipes! I have a few pipes lying about the place I could have welded together for you for nothing.