Monday, 7 June 2010

Angels & Demons

Yesterday morning the drop near the top of Grevious Angel claimed another victim as Dunnie stacked his landing on a decent first ever attempt. No pics unfortunately and no real harm done apart from some grazing to the arm.

Dunnie was not the first (or even second) victim of the week on this particular trail obstacle. On thursday evening Dave 2 and his mate Kick(?) gave it a go and both crashed, in Kick's case leading to several rather nasty chainring punctures on his calf. We tried our best to help numb his pain by plying him with drink in the Star.

It seems that following Andy's dramatic crash a few weeks ago the notoriety of this drop is growing so remember careful out there

1 comment:

  1. Not so sure this morning about the grazed elbow being the only injury - shoulder is substantially knackered, heftily bruised hip, and (bizarrely) a swollen knee... Mrs Dunnie says we are too old for this 'carry on' and ought to grow up and act our age. Yeah , right....
