Thursday 20 May 2010

Andy's New Helmet (should have bought a full face)

Date : 20th May 2010
Riders : Grievous Andy
Area : Nutwood

Following last week's dent of pride, and head plant on Grievous Angel, I was still recovering from all the aches and pains which that fall generated. I also had a trip to purchase a new helmet to replace the one I used as a crash mat on my last outing.
New helmet in hand (or on head actually) I decided to venture out solo in order to see how all the aches and pains faired on the bike, but also to practice my drop offs. I had been running the drop off process over and over again in my head and was sure I'd mastered it... in my head!!!

So I got home early and headed off locally on my mini adventure, to Nutwood where Tom had told me there were a few jumps. I found the area easily and discovered a nice little practice zone containing jumps, drop offs, doubles, berms and very steep descents.... what a find!!!!

I found a nice little drop off to practice and sessioned it a number of times – driving the bike, not riding it! It;s a bit difficult on your own to see how far you fly, but there were some good feelings flowing during some of the drops – others were a little ropey, but practice makes perfect!!! Once I'd mastered this little drop off, I thought I'd get some more speed, so started higher up the trail. The difficulty was that the trail was not a straight line to the drop off, and by the time I'd reached it, I was out of position!! Flying through the air (or that's what ot felt like) I landed awkwardly, with the front wheel sliding out on me (again!!!). I slid, and my face decided to plant a tree branch – which had no intention of moving....

So – bloodied, and pride dented yet again, I headed home!!

Apart from that mishap, and the thought that maybe I should have bought a full face, to protect my boyish good looks (now gone for a burton!!!), this is a great little practice area – and local too. Thanks Tom.

The crash site

The culprit

Noooooo, not the face

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