Tuesday 12 February 2013


Wow, 2 months into 2013 and this is the first post on the blog since last November. I guess it's a reflection of the awful summer/autumn/winter we've had and also the non-biking distractions occupying everyone, myself included.
In fact a quick scroll down shows there have only been half a dozen posts on here since last June and two of them were about road bikes.
On saturday the two Marks and I took a quick trip up into Redlands. Conditions on some trails are remarkably good and the light snow and solitude provided an atmospheric backdrop - unfortunately there was no photographic evidence to corroborate this.
We had a bit of fun, most trails will be better once they've dried out a little more but it does look like the trail pixies have been active over the winter, opening up some new lines and re-establishing some old ones.
Fingers crossed for an end to the interminable rain and a dry spring - perhaps 2013 can be the year MTB makes a comeback!