Monday 12 November 2012

Replacement Bus Service!

So, after weeks of no cycling, we finally arranged a jolly out on Sunday. Mark, Rich and I... meeting at the Pilgrim at 0830! Train from Redhill to Dorking (as still no cycle rack) at 0727... arrived in plenty of time at the station. RAIL REPLACEMENT SERVICE! No trains from Redhill, and was told I couldn't take the bike on the bus! :(.... So off i trotted on my own with the Mega, and did a little XC jaunt. Should've changed the bike - aside of my lack of fitness levels, the Mega was not really the bike to be hacking round an XC course on - next time take the alpine - or even the trusty stumpy!!

What it did remind me however, is that XC is a little boring - bring back all mountain. Now where's that phone to book the towbar fitting.

PS - The Trek Domane has arrived! Josh asked how many bikes did I want? I had to explain the concept of n+1.....