With a hazy dawn beckoning, the camera was packed for an early morning ride out on Pitch Hill with Rich and Andy. The climb up from CP3 ended in some atmospheric shots against the rising sun, before heading down the topmost "Rat-run" trail.
The going was surprisingly good - despite the mid-week downpour. Encouraged, it was backup to session the gully jumps that "Dave the spade" has been fettling over recent weeks. A few action shots, and a chance to revisit the jump where I smashed my bike up last week

Andy demonstrating Zen like poise, whilst Rich takes the opportunity to surreptitiously straighten up a wonky tree!

...before take off through the trees.
After larking about for a bit, it was just a few short steps up from the gullies to the familiar "log jump" trail.
With the landing zones sorted (does this Dave character ever sleep..?) there's certainly plenty of fun to be had.
After our fill of jumping around, it was one more slog to the top and back down the last and most direct route - a root-fest that Rich has dubbed "the bridle path!"

- a quick look, nothing more!
...just slightly more focussed than the camera. The landing was not as stylish.!
Rich checks out the launch pad....
The Pitch-to-Windmill trails now exhausted (not to mention me) we headed over to the other side of Pitch to a fantastic two-stager (ask Rich the name - "Smooth... something??").
The lower section had seen some recent rehab, (probably Dave again..?) including some fantastic kickers and berms - we had to go back for a second run.
Rich, with the afterburners on...
Getting some lean on for the camera...
Making mountains out of molehills... The 'Scrub' is still some way off!
"Look Ma...no gloves!" Rich getting back to basics.
Andy sends it down the trail.
Last stop was over to "Huggy Bear" for a final blast. Though with legs and brains a little tired the inevitable spill just had to happen.
Rich eventually doing the honors, and proving you do not need to fall far, to proper hurt yourself. Taking a gouge out of his shin and adding a final flourish of claret to the rusts and greens of the morning.

This shot really does NOT do justice to what was a nasty hole in the leg. Note to self - leave the blood running!
Hope it heals up quickly mate!
Until next time,