Thursday 30 June 2011

Forest of Dean Video

Aghhh typical, you wait a month for a new blog post, and then 3 come along all at once!

Well, here is a short video of our Forest of Dean trip, attended by Me, Mark, Richard and some top riders from "Head for the Hills" shop.

As Richard mentioned in his last post, an awesome day, and it certainly pushed my limits to the edge.

Enjoy the video.


Monday 27 June 2011


Today, out of the haze, this landed in Richards’s driveway! Should we be worried? It hasn't tried to make contact yet! I will monitor the situation closely and report!

Nocolai UFO-ST

Going Downhill Faster

Yesterday, along with Mark's 1 & 2, we headed west on the hottest day of the year to the Forest of Dean to sample the delights of their FlyUp downhill tracks. We met Rog, Dunc and Sam there and a few other Surrey Hills riders were also along for the day.

The trails are superb: steep, fast, rooty, technical and with plenty of variation. Some bits are like our own trails, some much more like Cwm Carn and the "trail centre" has a really nice vibe, no doubt helped by the superb weather.

Plenty of crashes, plenty of mechanicals, plenty of laughs - I can't wait to go back. I'm sure Mark2 will be posting a YouTube highlights sensation soon enough but here's a couple of photos of Sam's spectacular crash to whet your appetite in the meantime....