The latest addition to the Alpine build....
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Sunday, 26 September 2010
The King of Bling
Sunday, 19 September 2010
..And One Of Bish, Too... (just to keep him happy...)
Apologies, I seem to have forgotten to put on any footage of Mr Bishop! .. See the clip below for a fine bit of jumping...
Saturday, 18 September 2010
Jumping with Bish's Downhill Mates
Great ride today - 6 riders out, excellent weather, and some good jumping sessions. Attached are a few vids of the better ones. (Unfortunately both big wipe-outs were missed, due to camera not being ready.)

Nice one, chaps....

Nice one, chaps....
Sunday, 12 September 2010
Richards New Bars
Saturday, 11 September 2010
The one when the project name changed!
Date : 11th September 2010
Location : Leith Hill
Runners and Riders : Bish, Dunnie, Mark2, Andy
4 of us headed out today slightly reluctantly due to the weather - slight rain!! But I was up for it, as my task for the day was to demo the Alpine!
What a lot of fun that bike was... so much so, the project has now binned the Prince Albert (stupid name for a bike anyway) and has taken up the mantel of the 'Alpine'.
We headed along to Milton Heath car park and then up to Squires farm before hitting Summer lightning for a few session rides. The Alpine performed well, and I felt like I could throw it around and still be planted on the trail.
We climbed to the top of Leith and the Alpine was a joy to ride, but very light and skittery on the front, especially during the climbing. I made it up the hill to the tower, but it was tough.
After the tea and cake at the tower (it was cold), Mark2 took the Alpine's reins for a little ride. Enjoying the experience as far as I could tell. I struggled with Mark's bike though, finding the size rather large!! We sessioned a jump off the tower for a little while before heading towards our normal jump session park, where Mark2 showed us how it should be done.
Done with our sessioning we headed off to Windy Willow and stormed along at great speed taking the jumps at the end of the trail.
Back to the tower and down personal hygiene along through the bomb holes, past deliverance and down through regurgitator. Back up to summer lightning and then along to beggars canyon. Coming down the canyon, narrowly avoiding 2 female walkers, we arrived at the farm sans Dunnie!! We headed back up worried he may have taken a tumble - but he was nowhere to be found - we headed back down to Squires farm, comfortable that he'd find his way back.
Arriving back at Cliftonville, it wasn't long before Dunnie appeared - thankfully in one piece!! Andy Blue Bear the award!!!
A great ride on a new bike - a lot of fun, and a project decision made!
Location : Leith Hill
Runners and Riders : Bish, Dunnie, Mark2, Andy
4 of us headed out today slightly reluctantly due to the weather - slight rain!! But I was up for it, as my task for the day was to demo the Alpine!
What a lot of fun that bike was... so much so, the project has now binned the Prince Albert (stupid name for a bike anyway) and has taken up the mantel of the 'Alpine'.
We headed along to Milton Heath car park and then up to Squires farm before hitting Summer lightning for a few session rides. The Alpine performed well, and I felt like I could throw it around and still be planted on the trail.
We climbed to the top of Leith and the Alpine was a joy to ride, but very light and skittery on the front, especially during the climbing. I made it up the hill to the tower, but it was tough.
After the tea and cake at the tower (it was cold), Mark2 took the Alpine's reins for a little ride. Enjoying the experience as far as I could tell. I struggled with Mark's bike though, finding the size rather large!! We sessioned a jump off the tower for a little while before heading towards our normal jump session park, where Mark2 showed us how it should be done.
Done with our sessioning we headed off to Windy Willow and stormed along at great speed taking the jumps at the end of the trail.
Back to the tower and down personal hygiene along through the bomb holes, past deliverance and down through regurgitator. Back up to summer lightning and then along to beggars canyon. Coming down the canyon, narrowly avoiding 2 female walkers, we arrived at the farm sans Dunnie!! We headed back up worried he may have taken a tumble - but he was nowhere to be found - we headed back down to Squires farm, comfortable that he'd find his way back.
Arriving back at Cliftonville, it wasn't long before Dunnie appeared - thankfully in one piece!! Andy Blue Bear the award!!!
A great ride on a new bike - a lot of fun, and a project decision made!
Sunday, 5 September 2010
Andy Blue Bear's Big Boy's Welsh Adventure : Day 1
Date : 20th August 2010
Location : Cwm Carn
Riders : Bish, Dunnie, Mark2, Dave, Andy, XCTom, Jim, Simon, Richard
So the day, nay weekend, had finally arrived. Around 6 months of anticipation…. Setting off at some unearthly hour of the morning, Dunnie, myself and XCTom headed off along the M25 and M4 heading towards Cwm Carn for the first uplift at 10:00. Hot on our heals were Mark2, Dave and Bish, but far enough behind to allow us a breakfast stop, which we took without hesitation!
The weather en route was fine showing nothing of the forecast rain – and boy was the rain forecast!!! Having filled our bellies with a good old full English (except Dunnie, who had a little bacon bap!!!), we headed off initially trusting the faithful SatNav to guide us. With the first SatNav instructed exit from the M4, we ignored it… and went to the next junction. So far so good – after that things went a little ary!!! Driving through the village, we passed the turning to the Cwm Cairn trails, in a similarly “don’t believe the SatNav” type of way. After a little further down the road we decided we would trust the SatNav and turn round, trying to find a convenient turning spot – for a car with a bike rack – I was conscious of a car following us, and couldn’t shake him. I pulled over to let him pass, but he just slowed down behind us. I muttered some expletive as he pulled up alongside us real slow and wound down his window, beckoning me to do the same. I thought this was it – he was pulling a gun, he was a welsh nutter who hated mountain bikers… shit!! “Alright boys, you looking for the Cwm Carn park?”….. Helpfully he pointed us in the right direction. After a little torturous route through some back streets and out of the way houses, we fell over the entrance to the park. Meeting up with Mark2, Dave and Bish who had arrived a few minutes earlier, the heavens opened and the rain began. Getting dressed and getting prepared in the rain was not much fun!!!
Jim arrived a few minutes later, and once we were all geared up we headed down to the main car park to catch the first uplift of the day. We said goodbye to XCTom who decided to go off and do the XC trail instead of the Downhill. The trek up to the summit took around 15mins or so and the higher we climbed the more misty it became. There were about 8 others in the mini-bus, some looking much more like professional downhillers than we were, and some who were young enough to be our children…. Scary!!!!
A good thorough bike check prior to the Welsh departure had been carried out by all of us… all of us that was, except for Dave!!! Arriving at the top, he discovered a slow puncture, which necessitated a change. We weren’t too fussed, as it meant that everyone else headed off down the slope in front of us and we could take our time. With puncture fixed, we headed off down the “red” route. Feeling our way and taking things slow, we learnt the route and gained our confidence. The rain had eased a little, but the water underfoot was significant.
We all arrived at “the big drop” and a lot of um and arring took place. Dunnie, myself and Jim took the easy option and carried our bikes over. Rich and Dave took the plunge, admirably! Waiting at the bottom, for Mark2….. his flight was good, he looked in good shape, landed a little heavy, and then wobbled, losing it on the descent. His fall looked nasty and we all rushed over to offer our support, whilst going “Ooooooo”.
The last third of the course was sweet and we arrived back in the car park ready to wait for the uplift back to the top. Due to Dave’s puncture repair and our slow descent, meant we’d missed the 2nd uplift.
We had a further 4 runs down getting faster and more confident each time. Each of us taking a tumble at some point on the way down, but only suffering minor cuts and bruises, and a denting of pride!
Thoroughly wet through, we stopped for lunch in the park café, meeting XCTom who returned from his XC expedition. Sitting on plastic bags provided by the staff, to ensure the wooden chairs wooden get too muddy from our filthy backsides we took our fill of ham and eggs, which was literally ham and eggs, and chilli and lasagne!!
After lunch, Simon and Richard appeared and joined Tom for the XC route again, with the rest of us heading back to the uplift for a few more runs of the downhill course. 1 more run for Jim and he retired. Another run and Dunnie and I retired – the rain was just becoming too much – returning back to the park lodge to shower and change and get a nice cup of tea!
Mark2, Dave and Bish headed off for another run. 2 thirds of the way down, Bish got a puncture and whilst changing it, discovered he had a puncture already in his spare!!! D’Oh!! For that reason, Bish awarded himself the Andy Blue Bear Mascot – which no-one disputed!! He had to push his bike down the rest of the trail.
We washed our bikes, packed up and then headed off to Afan and our comfortable lodge. Finding an alternative route to the accommodation, given the programmed route was closed for road repair – not that that stopped Simon of course, who just drove down the closed road, scattering council workers by the wayside on his quest to follow his SatNav.
We all arrived at the lodge at about the same time – still in the rain, and unloaded the cars. Rooms found, we showered and met in the bar for a well deserved pint or two before sitting down for a respectable dinner, with Briggsie joining us and completing the gang.
More beer and a few mtb knarly vids saw the evening close.
A very wet day, but great riding and knarly fun.
Location : Cwm Carn
Riders : Bish, Dunnie, Mark2, Dave, Andy, XCTom, Jim, Simon, Richard
So the day, nay weekend, had finally arrived. Around 6 months of anticipation…. Setting off at some unearthly hour of the morning, Dunnie, myself and XCTom headed off along the M25 and M4 heading towards Cwm Carn for the first uplift at 10:00. Hot on our heals were Mark2, Dave and Bish, but far enough behind to allow us a breakfast stop, which we took without hesitation!
The weather en route was fine showing nothing of the forecast rain – and boy was the rain forecast!!! Having filled our bellies with a good old full English (except Dunnie, who had a little bacon bap!!!), we headed off initially trusting the faithful SatNav to guide us. With the first SatNav instructed exit from the M4, we ignored it… and went to the next junction. So far so good – after that things went a little ary!!! Driving through the village, we passed the turning to the Cwm Cairn trails, in a similarly “don’t believe the SatNav” type of way. After a little further down the road we decided we would trust the SatNav and turn round, trying to find a convenient turning spot – for a car with a bike rack – I was conscious of a car following us, and couldn’t shake him. I pulled over to let him pass, but he just slowed down behind us. I muttered some expletive as he pulled up alongside us real slow and wound down his window, beckoning me to do the same. I thought this was it – he was pulling a gun, he was a welsh nutter who hated mountain bikers… shit!! “Alright boys, you looking for the Cwm Carn park?”….. Helpfully he pointed us in the right direction. After a little torturous route through some back streets and out of the way houses, we fell over the entrance to the park. Meeting up with Mark2, Dave and Bish who had arrived a few minutes earlier, the heavens opened and the rain began. Getting dressed and getting prepared in the rain was not much fun!!!
Jim arrived a few minutes later, and once we were all geared up we headed down to the main car park to catch the first uplift of the day. We said goodbye to XCTom who decided to go off and do the XC trail instead of the Downhill. The trek up to the summit took around 15mins or so and the higher we climbed the more misty it became. There were about 8 others in the mini-bus, some looking much more like professional downhillers than we were, and some who were young enough to be our children…. Scary!!!!
A good thorough bike check prior to the Welsh departure had been carried out by all of us… all of us that was, except for Dave!!! Arriving at the top, he discovered a slow puncture, which necessitated a change. We weren’t too fussed, as it meant that everyone else headed off down the slope in front of us and we could take our time. With puncture fixed, we headed off down the “red” route. Feeling our way and taking things slow, we learnt the route and gained our confidence. The rain had eased a little, but the water underfoot was significant.
We all arrived at “the big drop” and a lot of um and arring took place. Dunnie, myself and Jim took the easy option and carried our bikes over. Rich and Dave took the plunge, admirably! Waiting at the bottom, for Mark2….. his flight was good, he looked in good shape, landed a little heavy, and then wobbled, losing it on the descent. His fall looked nasty and we all rushed over to offer our support, whilst going “Ooooooo”.
The last third of the course was sweet and we arrived back in the car park ready to wait for the uplift back to the top. Due to Dave’s puncture repair and our slow descent, meant we’d missed the 2nd uplift.
We had a further 4 runs down getting faster and more confident each time. Each of us taking a tumble at some point on the way down, but only suffering minor cuts and bruises, and a denting of pride!
Thoroughly wet through, we stopped for lunch in the park café, meeting XCTom who returned from his XC expedition. Sitting on plastic bags provided by the staff, to ensure the wooden chairs wooden get too muddy from our filthy backsides we took our fill of ham and eggs, which was literally ham and eggs, and chilli and lasagne!!
After lunch, Simon and Richard appeared and joined Tom for the XC route again, with the rest of us heading back to the uplift for a few more runs of the downhill course. 1 more run for Jim and he retired. Another run and Dunnie and I retired – the rain was just becoming too much – returning back to the park lodge to shower and change and get a nice cup of tea!
Mark2, Dave and Bish headed off for another run. 2 thirds of the way down, Bish got a puncture and whilst changing it, discovered he had a puncture already in his spare!!! D’Oh!! For that reason, Bish awarded himself the Andy Blue Bear Mascot – which no-one disputed!! He had to push his bike down the rest of the trail.
We washed our bikes, packed up and then headed off to Afan and our comfortable lodge. Finding an alternative route to the accommodation, given the programmed route was closed for road repair – not that that stopped Simon of course, who just drove down the closed road, scattering council workers by the wayside on his quest to follow his SatNav.
We all arrived at the lodge at about the same time – still in the rain, and unloaded the cars. Rooms found, we showered and met in the bar for a well deserved pint or two before sitting down for a respectable dinner, with Briggsie joining us and completing the gang.
More beer and a few mtb knarly vids saw the evening close.
A very wet day, but great riding and knarly fun.
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
Andy Blue Bear's Big Boys Welsh Adventure : Day 1
Date : 20th August 2010
Location : Cwm Carn
Riders : Bish, Dunnie, Mark2, Dave, Andy, Jim, XC Tom, Simon, RichardG
Coming soon..........
Location : Cwm Carn
Riders : Bish, Dunnie, Mark2, Dave, Andy, Jim, XC Tom, Simon, RichardG
Coming soon..........
Just to get rid of that Jedi Post....It's been there for too long...
Like many of you, I have been logging on expectantly (and lazily), assuming that Someone Else will post an all-encompassing, witty and incisive Wales commentary, complete with pictures and vids....
But it's always the same bloody 'Return of the Jedi' blog.... So I thought I'd drop a line on last Monday's ride.
Bish and Dunnie went out on a ride last Monday. Weather was great. Ride was quite long, and quite fast. Dunnie nearly bought some honey at the Peaslake Fair, but didn't, as there was no room in his rucksack. Bish looked appreciatively at some of the hand-carved reclaimed timber fancy goods, but decided that they were a bit gay. Both rode like madmen to the Pilgrim where Dunnie got stung repeatedly by a wasp caught in his knee pad, and they both had a coupkle of well deserved pints.
The end.
Andy, hurry up with the Wales blog. And don't forget the funny bits...
But it's always the same bloody 'Return of the Jedi' blog.... So I thought I'd drop a line on last Monday's ride.
Bish and Dunnie went out on a ride last Monday. Weather was great. Ride was quite long, and quite fast. Dunnie nearly bought some honey at the Peaslake Fair, but didn't, as there was no room in his rucksack. Bish looked appreciatively at some of the hand-carved reclaimed timber fancy goods, but decided that they were a bit gay. Both rode like madmen to the Pilgrim where Dunnie got stung repeatedly by a wasp caught in his knee pad, and they both had a coupkle of well deserved pints.
The end.
Andy, hurry up with the Wales blog. And don't forget the funny bits...
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